What does Tommy think about the sequence of how the guardians revealed details of the students’ futures?

Please answer all the following questions related to p. 76-114, and p. 114-183 in full sentences.
Pages 76-114 – Chapters 7-9
1. In light of the reader’s increasing understanding of the situation the Hailsham students find themselves in, explain your understanding of their fate, in a short paragraph.
2. What does Tommy think about the sequence of how the guardians revealed details of the students’ futures? (This is a really important idea to understand in terms of the themes of the book).
3. In your opinion, in the Hailsham students’ case, is ignorance bliss? Or is it better that they know their fate?
Pages 114-183 – Chapters 10-15
4. What do the students believe they will understand better if they are ever able to find their “possible?”
5. Explain Rodney & Chrissie’s theory about Hailsham students and “deferrals”:
6. What does Tommy’s dialogue (172-173) about Kathy finding the Judy Bridgewater tape reveal about his feelings for Kathy?
7. What does Tommy believe the function of the Gallery is? (look at pages 174-176 for guidance here.)
8. Why do you believe Ishiguro left out scientific details & explanations in his novel, when the main characters are clones? How might the novel be different if he had made it more like a true “science fiction” novel?
I will send you the file shortly but this is what you need to answer thank you

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