What are the steps to preparing a lab report? Create a paragraph or two with a detailed explanation of how you would create a lab report.

Please see below for assignment instructions. Please use 4 references/sources please only use scholarly sources or from textbooks. Please use proper APA citations. Please answer all questions. Please do not use google translate or any other translating service because it does not translate well to English. If you are not a native English speaker please have someone who is a native English speaker proofread your final product before sending it to me. Please do not be rude to me because I will not be rude to you. Thank you for your help*********************************************
MicroBiology Lab week 2 Discussion
1. What are the steps to preparing a lab report? Create a paragraph or two with a detailed explanation of how you would create a lab report.
2. Create a mock lab report based on a simple experiment. Attach it to the discussion for review. Do not copy and paste lab reports. Come up with a simple experiment and create a lab report.
Since this has occurred in the past, I like to caution students to avoid copy and paste material- please note: Copy and paste material will not receive credit and is a form of plagiarism. Please avoid this at all times.

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