We will try and make a program which plays hangman unfairly. A regular hangman g

We will try and make a program which plays hangman unfairly.
A regular hangman game means a person picks a word and the other guesses letters and have k chances to guess the world and correct guesses are indicated . For example if the word was hello and k=5 . The game would progress as:
Please guess a letter for the word (5 guesses left): _____
Guess: e
Please guess a letter for the word (4 guesses left): _e___
Guess: a
Please guess a letter for the word (3 guesses left): _e___
Guess: l
Please guess a letter for the word (2 guesses left): _ell_
Guess: h
Please guess a letter for the word (1 guesses left): hell_
Guess: o
Youve guessed hello correctly!
This assumes the picker of the word plays fair and does not change the word. The hard version of hangman allows the picker of the word to change the word as long as it stays consistent with what it has replied to the player guessing.
You will be given a wordlist.txt which contains valid words and at every point you will choose to include as many words as possible to make it hard for the player to guess, while remaining consistent with what you have replied. This is best illustrated with an example:
Say the wordlist is
and k (Number of guesses) is 3:
So you start with saying
Please guess a letter for the word (3 guesses left): ___
Guess: t

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