we have explored quality of health care, as well as prevention of illness. Quality is something that we, and others in society, expect of the services and products that we use.

This week we have explored quality of health care, as well as prevention of illness. Quality is something that we, and others in society, expect of the services and products that we use. Value-based healthcare and preventative measures are being emphasized in the current healthcare environment and policies. In this week’s discussion, you will explore how all of these things intersect in healthcare as well as in the world of occupational therapy.
After completing the readings for this week, write a discussion post that that addresses the three levels of prevention (see Table 11-1 in the textbook) for a health need in your community.
Include all of the bulleted items listed below and use a narrative format:
What is the health need, diagnosis, issue, trend, etc. to be addressed by your presentation? total worker health
How will you employ occupational therapy to apply each of the three levels of prevention to impact this health need?
How will this approach to prevention improve quality considering the Quality Aims outlined in Table 10-2 (Bodenheimer & Grumbach, 2016, p. 123).
How does empathy and a holistic view of the person/group/population served link to prevention and quality in your plan?

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