We are traveling to the Supreme Court this week! 1.) Pick a SIGNIFICANT case tha

We are traveling to the Supreme Court this week! 1.) Pick a SIGNIFICANT case that was decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. Post a “brief” in YOUR OWN WORDS on the case. A brief is a case summary that includes the case essentials including the case name, date, summary, the political/legal impact, and the “decision” or votes total on the case, such as Brown v. Topeka Board of Education, 1954, 9-0. 2.) Tell us why you think this case is significant and worth bringing to the attention of the class.3.) You may wish to use the textbook for ideas about which cases to choose. Information on Supreme Court cases may be found on their website at www.supremecourtus.gov and other search engines such as www.findlaw.com. 4.) Provide your sources including complete URLs.

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