virtual work spaces/working from home versus physical work spaces due to covid 1

virtual work spaces/working from home versus physical work spaces due to covid 19. In the past we’ve experienced pandemics, but never have we had the resources to successfully and efficiently move our work to a space where we don’t all need to be in the same building. Covid 19 was the factor that put pressure on the world to do so. Now that we’ve had to and it’s been pretty successful, a lot of places are selling their work space buildings and telling employees they will be permanently working from home. i think in this we’re able to talk about pros and cons of this. pros being we save money not having to pay for buildings for employees, we save time not having to walk/drive to meet someone, and i’m sure there’s more. Cons, there’s less informal interactions between co workers creating a slower build of trust, and there’s a higher risk if there’s problems within technology because there’s a much higher reliance on it.

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