Using Yahoo finance, compute the Price to Earnings ratios, return on equity, Time-interest-earned (Interest coverage), and profit margin for General Electric and Oracle for 2020

11. Using Yahoo finance, compute the Price to Earnings ratios, return on equity, Time-interest-earned (Interest coverage), and profit margin for General Electric and Oracle for 2020. Then, compute the average Price to Earnings ratios, return on equity, Time-interest-earned (Interest coverage), and profit margin using the two companies for the year 2020?
12.Using the average ratios as proxies for the industry ratios, Compare the industry ratios to the ratios of Microsoft for 2020. Based on this comparison, what is the debt, profitability, and market position of your company?
The ratios for Microsoft will be provided.
Please format according to these steps :
• First, compute the average ratios using Oracle and general electric
• Second, compare the ratio for Microsoft to the average for oracle and GE.
• Third, discuss if the firm (Microsoft) is doing better than the firm average.
• Fourth, you discuss how the firm (Microsoft) can improve.

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