Unless I can bring this grade up I will fail the entire class.

I am in my
last class for my bachelor’s degree.
Rhetoric 1301.
I am failing
the first half of my four extended paragraph essay.
The first
paragraph of the essay is to be a descriptive image of ADHD.
The second paragraph was to be a definition
of the first paragraph on ADHD.
I have failed the first and second paragraphs of the essay. GPA is 2.0
Unless I can bring this grade up I will fail the entire class.
Here is where I need help. I need to fix the errors in the first and second paragraphs
The third
paragraph of the essay is an Analysis of the first and second essays.
The fourth part of the essay is the final essay which is worth
200 points.
Not sure if I could attach the grade rubrics and criteria of all four paragraphs.
The subject of my essay is ADHD.
Mark Guyer

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