two-page Position paper with a bibliography (note the helper video says 1-page.

two-page Position paper with a bibliography (note the helper video says 1-page. I have updated the requirement to be a 2-page paper).
Specifically, a position paper presents arguable opinions about an issue, and your goal is to convince your audience your point of view with evidence. The requirement for the position paper:
2. The paper must include the following sections: Introduction about the issue you are discussing; Your thesis (your point of view toward the issue); Counter arguments with evidence (arguments that against your thesis); Your arguments with evidence; Conclusion; and Reference / Bibliography.
3. You could discuss important issues in your own major, or you could find topics from magazine, newspaper, or web. The issue you discuss must be arguable. (consult the Issue Criteria section of the Simon Fraser article)
4. In your paper, you must cite at least four sources. Among them at least one should be peer-reviewed article.

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