To explore how psychoanalysis might be able to contribute to thinking about the

To explore how psychoanalysis might be able to contribute to thinking about the experience of EITHER people from socially marginalised groups, including black people, women, religious minorities, OR people who do not identify as heterosexual, and people who identify as transgender* – both inside and outside the consulting room. If answering the Gender question, reading can involve the study of: 1. Recent contributions on the subject of minority sexual orientations and gender identifications, which can help to illustrate a widening, less normative perspective within psychoanalytic thinking in recent decades. 2. The various psychoanalytic perspectives on transgender identities, with an opportunity to reflect on some of the controversies that surround the question of transgender with consideration of both psychoanalytic and ethical perspectives on medical transitioning. Note: Possible important source examples, writing style considerations, essay writing guidelines and rubric, etc, are to be provided upon confirmation. Much appreciated if the essay is approximately 2,500 words not including the bibliography (but included in-text APA citations). Thank you.

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