To defeat Germany, America & Britain fought their way to Berlin from the west; S

To defeat Germany, America & Britain fought their way to Berlin from the west; Soviets fought their way to Berlin from the east. As the Allies converged on Berlin, Germany surrendered. On the question of what to do next however, the Allies had very different answers. Britain and America saw their role as one of liberation, while the Soviets argued for occupation. Both positions were intended to prevent another global conflict. It was this divergence, which emerged after the war, that set the Cold War in motion and divided Eastern & Western Europe.
In the two documents in this module, you read Churchill and Stalin give very different assessments of the post-war landscape. (Included here in case you missed them (see attached file)
For this assignment you’ll compare their perspectives, and place them in the appropriate historical context.
Your answers must be in complete sentences and you must include examples from the source in your answers

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