Throughout the three internship courses, principal candidates will reflect on th

Throughout the three internship courses, principal candidates will reflect on their personal and professional growth. The purpose of the reflections is to engage principal candidates in the best practice of considering blind spots in their development and to illuminate areas of opportunity. In the “Supporting an Effective Learning Environment” assignment, you reviewed your school’s Continuous Improvement Plan. For CIPs to be effective, they must be understood and valued by all stakeholders. In order to determine how stakeholders perceive your school’s CIP, you must identify and discuss the CIP with them. Before beginning this assignment, you are encouraged to determine the extent to which school stakeholders (i.e., parents, faculty, and classified staff) are aware of and value the school’s CIP. You do not need to conduct formal interviews, just informal discussions. Write a 150-250 word reflective summary of your internship experiences this week, connecting your experiences to ELCC standards. Address the following in your reflection: * A significant and memorable leadership experience, explaining the influence on your future practice as a school leader. * Areas of leadership you will focus on next week and how you intend to apply them in your internship. As part of your reflection, consider the feedback you received from school stakeholders regarding the CIP. Reflect on how you, as a future school leader, would encourage all stakeholders to play an active role in implementing the school’s CIP. Note in your reflection any disconnect you notice between the school leader’s comments and the feedback you gathered from other stakeholders. APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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