This week you have five options from which to answer. Each of these options has

This week you have five options from which to answer. Each of these options has to do with a critical aspect of representation in Congress that has been identified as a problem. You only need to choose one of these options, read the prompt, and address it fully in your original response (you may respond to more than one of the options if you wish to, but you must answer at least one in full to receive full credit). Your reply to someone else’s post can be in response to any of the options. Outside sources are not necessary, but if used then cite them accordingly.
OPTION 1 – ‘Record breaking’ Diversity in Congress?
Check out the page ‘Record-breaking’ diversity in the 117th Congress, which expands on the updated diversity numbers within the US Congress. Keep in mind the meaning of democracy (as “rule by the people”), and the role that diversity may or may not play in achieving it. While the 2020 election was in many ways historic in terms of diversity, in other ways some say the US still falls short. Consider the following:
• In what ways has diversity in Congress improved and in what ways has it not improved?
• Why might it be important that the legislative institutions of our country be close as possible to a reflection of what the American population looks like? What may be the strengths and limitations of a focus on diversity?
• What are some institutional reasons (i.e. how the institutions are set up) that diversity might be different between the House of Representatives and the Senate?

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