This week we will be continuing our discussion of visual forms by focusing on th

This week we will be continuing our discussion of visual forms by focusing on the principles of design in a work of art. The principles of design contribute to the overall design or composition of an artwork. An artist can use their knowledge of a variety of visual elements, those of which we discussed last week, toward creating a visually satisfying composition using these principles. These include: unity and variety, balance, emphasis and movement, scale and proportion, rhythm and repetition. Using 3-4 sentences each, answer the questions below.
1) Judy Chicago, The Dinner Party, 1979, mixed media, each side 48 feet; (detail); (alternate view)
Describe the artist’s use of unity and variety in this installation. Remember to consider the object as it would actually appear in space and not on a computer screen (see the dimensions above). What contributes to the feeling of unity and/or variety in the installation? Use slides slides 4-11 from “The Principles of Design” lecture to help you better understand these concepts.
2) Vishnu Dreaming the Universe, 450 CE, relief panel, India×700.jpg
Describe the artist’s use of balance in this relief. Is the balance actual or pictorial? Is it symmetrical or asymmetrical? How would you describe the horizontal and vertical balance in the object? Use slides 12-24 from “The Principles of Design” lecture and this web resource to help you better understand these concepts.
3) Ron Mueck, In Bed, 2005, polyester resin, fiberglass, etc., 5.3 x 21 x 13′
Describe the artist’s use of scale and proportion in this sculpture. Is any particular kind of scale being used? Is the object in proportion? Use slides 33-42 from “The Principles of Design” lecture to help you better understand these concepts.
4) Diego Rivera, Flower Seller, 1942, oil on masonite
Describe the use of emphasis and movement in this painting. What do you think is being emphasized in this image? How has the artist used the visual elements to create a visual emphasis? Use slides 25-30 from “The Principles of Design” lecture to help you better understand these concepts.
5) Mary Lee Bendolph, “Housetop” Variation, 1998, quilt, Gee’s Bend, Alabama×450.jpg
Describe the artist’s use of pattern and/or rhythm in this quilt. To what extent is this an example of pattern or rhythm? What kinds of colors and shapes repeat to create this effect? Use slides 31-32 from “The Principles of Design lecture to help you better understand these concepts. This animated demo will help clarify visual rhythm.

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