This post will be an exercise in finding textual examples of Literary Devices th

This post will be an exercise in finding textual examples of Literary Devices that prove what we are saying about the meaning or overarching theme(s) of the story.
Part 1. Choose one of the short stories that we have read so far. Remember that “Everything that Rises Must Converge” was only provided as a model; you must choose one of the other stories to write about:
“Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience (TM)”“The Paper Menagerie”
Part 2. Discuss why and how the story connects with one or two of the themes discussed in Unit 1:
Love (filial, maternal/paternal, romantic, or platonic)
The American Dream/Nightmare
The Quest for Identity/Coming of Age
Use specific details from the text, including the use of irony, metaphor, and symbolism, to support your point. Include at least one direct quote. Approach this as preparation for your essay in this Unit.
See the links below for guidance in delivering and punctuating quotations:


Long Quotations/Block Quotations
Part 3. Respond to at least 2 of your classmates’ posts. Your initial post should consist of at least 2 complete and well-written paragraphs, and your replies should be thoughtful and substantive.
Grading Criteria:
Your choice of theme or themes is well-supported by your textual examples.
Your explanation and engagement of your chosen quotations.
Your peer responses are substantive and thoughtful and advance the discussion by introducing new insights or perspectives, and/or significantly deepening or broadening the conversation with questions (Avoid generalized comments such as “good post” or “I agree”).
Your use of language: your writing should be clear, well-organized, and free from spelling and grammar errors. Any quoted material is integrated logically and grammatically and clearly signaled with appropriate MLA citation. The post represents your original thinking unless otherwise indicated.
This activity may use a different grading rubric than what was used in past activities. Be sure to check the grading rubric before starting.

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