This is to be an Informative Speech on the effects of single parenting. There n

This is to be an Informative Speech on the effects of single parenting. There needs to be 4 sources total and 2 of those sources should come from “regular” sources—books, magazines, newspapers, personal interviews—and two can come from Web based sources. As far as the sources go the professor wants it done as such ( Remember, I require just source and date. For example, according to the New York Times, August 20, 2011 or As reported by, last accessed November 2, 2011. Web based sources I only need the homepage and the date you accessed the information.)
The specific requirements as far as format is at follows : Everyone must turn into me a full sentence, Roman-numeral, Times-New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1 inch margin Outline and Bibliography (or reference page).

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