This is for an Advanced Experimental Psychology Class. This Assignment is based

This is for an Advanced Experimental Psychology Class. This Assignment is based on Sternberg 1966 article. Coglab5.0 was used to conduct lab experiment and data was collected. Writer MUST be able to Familiarize and know how to use Vassarstats, Factorial Design (ANOVA) to complete this assignment. successfully. NOTE: that there are 2 word documents(Sternberg Assignment & Factorial Design Assignment) that needs to be completed both are related to the article(SternbergSearch1966). Please, Do Not use any Outside Information/ Sources.All information needed to be able to successfully complete this assignment will be provided under the “My Files” Section in order. If you Have any Questions or Concerns Regarding this assignment, please let me know. I will look at the messages from time to time and will provide prompt responses.
Below you will see I’ve copied & pasted the instructions for this assignment directly from the word doc. assignment instructions:
—–Sternberg Search Fall 2021 —–
Our research questions:
1. Is there an effect of set size on response latency?
2. Is there an effect of response type on response latency?
3. Is there an interaction between response type and set size?
IV: set size: 1, 3, 5
IV: response type: presence/absence
DV: reaction time
If reaction time increases as set size increases demonstrates a serial search
If there is no significant interaction between set size and response type then this demonstrates an exhaustive search
We expect based on Sternberg that we will find a serial and exhaustive search.
Repeated measures Factorial Design.
We will analyze a 2X3.
We will also explore an interaction:
Occurs when the difference in response between the levels of one factor is not the same at all levels of the other factor.
Reporting the results from factorial repeated-measures ANOVA:
We can report a factorial repeated-measures ANOVA in much the same way as any other ANOVA. Remember we’ve got three effects to report:
Start with your descriiptive statistics and mention Table of means and Figure of Plot….
Following describe inferential statistics:
All effects are reported as significant at p< 0.05. There was a significant main effect of response type F (_,_)=___, p=___. Yes response was _________ compared to No response. There was a significant main effect of set size F (_,_)=___, p=___. Set size 1 was________ compared to set size 3, and set size 3 was ______ compared to set size 5. There was also a significant or there was no significant interaction between set size and response type, F(_,_)=___, p=___. This indicates that……. For This Lab: • Title page • Results **include a table and figure ------------------------------------------------------->
—–Factorial Designs—– :
When two or more IV’s are combined in a single study the IV’s are called factors. A research study involving two or more factors is called a factorial design.
“It is common practice for a host to serve coffee at the end of a party at which the guests have been drinking alcohol. Presumably, the caffeine counteracts some of the effects of the alcohol so that the guests are more mentally alert when thy head out for the trip home. Most of us believe that we have a good understanding of the effects of caffeine and alcohol on mental alertness. For many people the first cup of coffee each morning is necessary to get started on the other hand many people have a glass of wine in the evening to help them relax and unwind at the end of a busy day. But do we really know how these substances influence our ability to react in an emergency situation? An experiment was designed in which both alcohol and caffeine consumption were manipulated in the same experiment and their ability to apply the brakes in a simulated driving test was measured.
Structure of a two-factor experiment:
We define the design based on levels of each variable.
Caffeine three levels
Alcohol two levels
Main Effects: the effect of a single IV; the mean differences among the levels of one factor
1. main effect of caffeine
2. main effect of alcohol
Interactions: when two factors acting together produce mean differences that are not explained by the main effects for two factors; the effects of one factor depend on the levels of the second factor
Thank You For you Cooperation!
#SternbergSearch1966 #SternbergSearchAssignmentWordDoc. #Vassarstats #Coglab5.0 #NoOutsideSources/Info.
#FactorialDesign #FactorialDesignAssignment

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