This is a paper originally drafted by Essay Shark FatherNature. I only wish for FatherNature to revise.
The goal of this project is revise the Student Draft (attachment) based off of the (Draft 2 feedback). Please use the Student Draft paper to make your corrections.
The major thing that needs to be corrected is the part about Positive Psychology being a theory. Apparently it is not a theory and I was incorrect. It is a different part of the study of psychology.
The professor wants actual theories to explain why happy music will evoke a happy emotional response. This is not about recognition, it is about response. The instructor told me I can use a few theories to explain the reasoning.
I found Singer and Schachter two factor theory of emotion. Please find a scholarary article that explains this theory. Must be peer reviewed.
The main theory or frame work to focus on is BRECVEM. the two things to focus on in this article are the Brainstem part and Emotional Contagion. The PDF to use as a reference is called BRECVEM in the attachment.
Please incorporate both these theories into the introduction. It doesnt need to be a long winded explanation. But needs to make the study relevant as these theories are a source for exploration into the study. You dont need to complete rewrite the introduction. However you can kind of rework the the Positive psychology angle to fit into the framework of how elements of positive psychology are used in therapy.
The rest will need to be cleaned up based on the instructors comments. Some of the things have already been corrected by the instructor. Please follow all instructors comments and correct accordingly
Some of the answers to these comments can be found on the “Poster.pptx” file.
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