this is a group presentation, I have 4 member in my group, and they are in charge of part 1,(INDUSTRY OVERVIEW ), part 3(INTERNAL ANALYSIS (Firm resources, capabilities, and competitive advantage), and part 4 4. STRATEGIC ISSUES AND RECOMMENDATIONS

this is a group presentation, I have 4 member in my group, and they are in charge of part 1,(INDUSTRY OVERVIEW ), part 3(INTERNAL ANALYSIS (Firm resources, capabilities, and competitive advantage), and part 4 4. STRATEGIC ISSUES AND RECOMMENDATIONS I am in charge of part 2, COMPANY DATA (quantitative and qualitative)all you need to do is part 2, which is all you have do a company overview, I have example of the ppt presentation by my group mates, they already completed their part, you can look at it as example, also I have the word document of the instruction my professor gave us for each part of the presentation, I don’t know how to do my part because in this presentation my professor wants us to think of like we are the consultants, so we need to convince or like to pitch the investor to invest in CVS. I guess you can first introduce the company, like what segments it has, what products, which one sells the best, why? their stock performance, (this one is must have ) please please include the stock performance, a 5 year stock chart !!!! a line chart from legitamate source, please don’t do a bar or other chart for the stock performance must have a line chart ! ( 5 year trend. charts ), you will know what I am talking about in the instruction , please look at the parts my group mate did, and kinda make sure there ins’t really that much repetitive information, I know for part 3, my group mate kinda did the financial analysis as well, but you still need to do it for my part, and I guess you can also like talk about why cvs, what advantage, and what’s the company’s goal /mission, please don’t take my instructions as guide, look at the material I provided, its more clear. any question, ask me as soon as possible.

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