This is a 1500 word min. paper, typed and double-spaced in Times New Roman 12-po

This is a 1500 word min. paper, typed and double-spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font that chooses one of the following methods of argumentation and applies it to a argumentative topic of your choosing. This paper should integrate 5 credible pieces of research and MLA style. You should absolutely feel free to use the topic of your Annotated Bibliography, upon my approval of that topic (since some were not argumentative and I have a lot to teach you about that still, as of this post date.)
Methods of Argumentation to Choose From:
Causal Argument –a not very well-known cause and effect relationship is being made; A caused B to happen. You may also take a cause and effect that people universally think is true and prove that the causal relationship does not actually exist.
Example – Proving that serial killers are created, not born that way OR proving that there’s no way that they are created; it’s in their biological makeup
2. Proposal Argument – presenting a real-life issue or problem and exploring that issue fully in the introduction, and then providing realistic researched solutions for most of the paper.
Example – CO-VID sure has ruined education; here are some ways to make it better.
3. Definition argument – when you take a complex term or idea and fully define what it is; this should probably be something people don’t understand well and/or they get it wrong.
Example – clearing up the myths surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement so that people of all races can join the fight for equality

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