This essay should create an arguable progression of ideas in response to the que

This essay should create an arguable progression of ideas in response to the question(s) of the prompt. These ideas should be supported by careful analysis of our multimodal texts and at least one moment of meaningful synthesis of two or more multimodal texts.
A successful analytical essay will include the following:
a definition of your understanding of gender and the various culturally specific languages used to describe gender
A solid understanding of the multimodal texts you are using.
Inclusion of quotes from at least two multimodal texts from the list above followed by quote analysis that connects to your response to the project question.
Effective use of key academic terms and some effort to use analytical language and academic vocabulary—use them especially when you bring your own experience into the paper!
At least 3 body paragraphs, each including:
A topic sentence
analysis of quotes/images and connections between text, video, and/or audio
Body paragraphs that focus on one idea while also connecting to each other to work toward the development of the project’s argument;
A conclusion paragraph.
Inclusion of images throughout the project: Please include images, photos, links, or video/audio that connect and help illustrate your project. These can be the multimodal texts themselves, such as a photograph or a screenshot of a video. This is a requirement of this project.

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