This chapter, among other things, discusses the continuing story regarding U. S.

This chapter, among other things, discusses the continuing story regarding U. S. treatment of Native American Indians. 
For this reflection, first introduce President Jackson and his policy toward Native Americans. 
Then discuss how the U.S. Supreme Court case rulings discussed in the textbook helped or hurt the Native American situation. How did Southern states (like Georgia) view Native Americans.  What was the Indian Removal Act.
How did the white settlers who favored the removal of the Cherokee differ from the ones that were sympathetic to the Cherokee?  What did Indians do in an attempt to assimilate with white settlers?  Who was involved in the fight to save the Cherokee Nation?  What happened to them? 
How do you feel about our treatment of Native Americans bases on the facts or examples through Jefferson’s and Jackson’s presidency.  What surprised you about your research?
Be sure to mention and use the video. A bried quote or two will help.
I have included website links to Jackson and his policies to help with the assignment.
Here are website links to help: PBS Indian Removal:
Indian Treaties and the Removal Act:
Jackson’s Domestic Policies:
youtube videos:


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