This Assignment assesses the following course outcomes: PR499-1: Demonstrate mas

This Assignment assesses the following course outcomes:
PR499-1: Demonstrate mastery of fundamental concepts in a professional field of interest.
PR499-5: Chosen by faculty and student. *Based on student’s area of study, student works with Faculty Advisor to create a program-specific outcome matching their professional area of interest.
My program-specific outcome is “Improve research and time management skills through completion of my degree in Professional Studies.”
Your Capstone Project should be a professional product, reflecting the document type identified as being the final deliverable in the Project proposal. In Unit 10, you will narrate the presentation with embedded video in the Social Media section of the course. Your instructor will use information from your Project proposal, feasibility report, the Discussion topic regarding project modifications found in Unit 8, and your progress report as the basis for the expectations, goals, and objectives for your Project.
Your Capstone Project should meet all the requirements as outlined in Unit 1 under Capstone Project description:
What are the requirements for the Capstone Project?
The Capstone Project in this course will be chosen by you and proposed to your instructor for approval. The approval will be based on how well the Project will enable you to demonstrate program outcomes. You will also prepare a video that provides an overview of the key components of your Capstone Project and a reflection on your experience creating the Project.
A Capstone Project, as mentioned above, is a significant and comprehensive Project that allows you to demonstrate your ability in an area of your career focus. The Project must be realistic and original, meaning that the deliverable cannot be a revision of an existing assignment, document, or product. The Capstone Project provides you with the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills acquired throughout your Professional Studies degree program. The Capstone Project allows you to think critically about academic, professional, and/or social issues and further develop your analytical and ethical leadership skills needed in the workplace.
Explore your place of work, community, or national organization for a need, issue, or service that can be addressed by someone with skills and insight in the area of your career focus. Appropriate Capstone Projects can be (but are not limited to) the following:
Create a new employee orientation or training program with documents, visual materials, events, etc.
Design a mock department (such as Marketing Department, Accounting Department, Human Resources Department) for a specific company, imagined or real. For example, include the roles and responsibilities of the department members, the goals of the department, and how the department functions within the greater parameters of the firm.
Develop a specific communication effort such as a public relations campaign, promotion of a new product line, or new employee orientation or training program.
Develop analysis and recommendation for an organization currently facing a challenge and how the challenge can be managed from a crisis communication standpoint. Examples could be from current events. Steps to follow include: Defining the problem, determining what techniques can be used to manage the problem, and recommendations for improvement.
The goal of the Capstone Project is to complete a Project that you might be able to use to show to an employer as part of a portfolio for an interview or to use in your target workplace. There is a great deal of flexibility in the design of the Project and your instructor will guide you in selecting a meaningful Project that highlights your learning and matches your selected program outcome designed around your career goals.
A title page with identifying information
The body of the essay (address all the requirements for the three sources)
A references page
In addition, be sure your assignment adheres to the following formatting:
Use standard margins: 1″ on all sides
Use standard 12-point font size, Times New Roman, or Arial
Use standard double spacing
Use left-aligned text, do not right justify
Your Assignment should follow the conventions of APA formatting and citation style. You must demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English.

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