There is no clear prompt/thesis but try to argue showing that African American i

There is no clear prompt/thesis but try to argue showing that African American inequality is a really issue using the sources provided. -Each paper is to have a clear and explicit thesis question (in the text, that the reader sees, as opposed to one that is implied), a clear thesis/argumentative statement (i.e. “In this paper, I argue that…”), an organizational paragraph that tells the reader how the paper is to proceed, and a conclusion that summarizes what you have written and thinks broadly about implications. -You are to have AT LEAST 2 citations per page. You are to use a MINIMUM of 5 different sources for this paper. You should use the books and the book chapters I have emailed to you. Likewise, the only materials that may be cited are to be drawn from the class syllabus (which I have attached). -Remember, you are making an argument. You are not simply summarizing other people’s work and cherry picking what you find compelling. The “why” and “how” should be central to your paper. -This paper is to be 5 pages long. It is to be double spaced. This means five full pages—four pages and one sentence do not count as five pages. Likewise, do not write more than five pages as I will not read any pages past the fifth one. -A “how” and “why” thesis question is far more interesting and compelling than a “yes” or “no” question. Sources (In Attachments): 1) Racial Domination, Racial Progress: The Sociology of Race in America, chapter 5, pgs. 202-248 2)Stephen Mcnamee and Robert Miller, “An Unlevel Playing Field: Racism and Sexism” pgs. 189-224 in The Meritocracy Myth 3)Joe Feagin, Chapter Six, “White Privileges and Black Burdens,” in Racist America, pages 175-202

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