There are several functions of advertising that must be kept in mind when puttin

There are several functions of advertising that must be kept in mind when putting together marcom for a company. These include informing, influencing, and reminding; while also increasing salience, adding value, and assisting other company efforts.
Label your initial response sections Part 1 and Part 2.
Functions of Advertising
Part 1: Advertising in Commercials
Choose a commercial from the Internet (YouTube™ is a great source for this).
Discuss which of the functions of advertising are used in this commercial and if they are effective. Be sure to give the link to the commercial in the posting.
Then respond to your classmates’ advertisements that you find to be most effective and why.
Part 2: Additional Functions of Advertising
Research indicates that there may be more than five functions of advertising for businesses. Using the Purdue University Global Library or a credible online source, locate and read an article on the “functions of advertising” and:
Summarize the article for the class. Be sure to provide the link to the article in the posting.
Then comment on your classmates’ article summaries that you find to be most interesting and why
Andrews, C. J., & Shimp, T. A. (2018). Advertising, promotion, and other aspects of integrated marketing communications (10th ed.). Cengage.
Chapter 8: “Objective Setting and Budgeting”
Chapter 9: “Overview of Advertising Management”
Chapter 8 covers the process of objective setting and the criteria for a good objective versus an ineffective one. There are several objectives or goals that can be used for marcom which provides a basis for all subsequent decision making. These include advancing consumer awareness and creating an expectation of a product or service; encouraging trial purchases; instilling beliefs and attitudes; reinforcing these beliefs and attitudes; and encouraging brand loyalty. The chapter states that the requirements for good objectives include a statement of what, who, and when; that objectives are measurable and quantitative; specify the amount of change expected; are realistic, consistent, and are clearly put into writing. This chapter also discusses four budgeting methods for marcom.
Chapter 9: “Overview of Advertising Management”
Chapter 9 covers an overview of advertising management and various concepts as they apply to this topic. This would include risk and uncertainty in advertising investments, economic effects, compensation, and elasticity. The amount of investment in advertising would suggest that advertising is an important medium of communication in the United States.

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