The three primary documents: 1. The 10th Federalist Paper by James Madison 2. Ge

The three primary documents:
1. The 10th Federalist Paper by James Madison
2. George Washington’s Farewell Speech (focus on factions)
3. Hume’s Of Parties in General
Assignment Instructions:
Your goal in this essay is to provide a full, rich discussion of key Enlightenment ideas as they are articulated in the primary source documents. Your essay need not make an explicit argument in relation to the contemporary political factions; nor, do you need to provide substantial exposition or analysis. Your references to the contemporary subject should not extend beyond what is necessary to illuminate the significance, relevance, and or differences between the themes and ideas of the primary sources and those that characterize the contemporary subject.
Assignment Requirements:
demonstrate a clear understanding of the context or intellectual, cultural, and historical circumstances in which the primary source documents were produced;
demonstrate a clear understanding of the key questions, themes, values, and arguments presented in each of the three primary sources used;
compare the claims of each of the primary source documents to the types of arguments, statements, or observations made in connection with the contemporary political factions in the US.
compare the context or circumstances in which the primary source documents were produced to the context and circumstances of political factions;
demonstrate the extent to which the themes and ideas in the primary source documents are pertinent to debates or reflections associated with political factions;
show how the primary source documents’ issues and contexts are dissimilar or distinguishable from the contemporary subject you have identified.

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