The South Dakota Department of Labor, Workers’ Compensation division was sinking

The South Dakota Department of Labor, Workers’ Compensation division was sinking under a load of paper files. This state agency ascertains that employees are treated fairly when they are injured on the job. If a person (or company) called to see the status of an injury claim, the clerk would have to take a message, get the paper file, review the status, and call the person back. Files were stored in huge filing cabinets and were entered by year and case number (i.e., the 415th person injured in 2008 would be in a file numbered 08-415). Few callers knew the file number and would give their name and address and the date of injury. The clerk would look in a spiral notebook for the last name around the date that was given—and then find the file number to retrieve the folder. Some folders were small—possibly documenting a minor injury requiring only a brief treatment period. Other folders could be very large, with numerous medical reports from several doctors verifying the extent of a serious injury and treatment (such as an arm amputation). A digital solution was suggested—reports could be submitted online via a secure website. Medical reports could be submitted electronically, either as a pdf file or as a faxed digital file. This solution would also mean that the clerk taking the phone call could query the database by the person’s name and access the information in a matter of seconds.
project is being completed step by step, its an entire new system proposal
this week i have to turn in:
[Write a short introductory paragraph where you state definition what is called Functional requirements; what is called non-functional; what is called system requirements; what is called business requirements; what is called user requirements. (Please see examples discussed in the coursebook.)
Then elaborate each type in details – you can use bullet lists for groups or similar, as below] Summary of Existing System Proposed Improvements to the Existing System Functional Requirements [list all functional requirements for the new system]
Nonfunctional Requirements [list all nonfunctional requirements for the new system]
Business Requirements [list all business requirements for the new system]
System Requirements [list all system requirements for the new system]
User Requirements [list all user requirements for the new system] J
AD Techniques and Procedures Summary of Proposed JAD Technique to be Used
Draft Questionnaire

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