The purpose of this essay is to choose one of the Unit I short stories, compose

The purpose of this essay is to choose one of the Unit I short stories, compose a creative work related to that story, and then discuss your creative process and what it taught you about the short story in your paper.Fiction Unit Creative Work & Essay.

For this essay, you will compose an original creative work inspired by one of the Unit I stories
(Unit I films are not eligible) and then analyze the work and the story. Outside research will be
used to support your analysis. The creative work and the essay will be submitted on the essay
assignment page as separate files.
Creative Work Options (choose just 1 of the following):
1) An 8-song (or more) playlist inspired by story
2) a verse-by-verse juxtaposition of a song with events in the story
3) an original song inspired by the story
4) a ‘remix’ using quotes from the story set to music
1) a drawing or painting inspired by the story
2) a photo collage (physical or digital) of at least 8 pictures inspired by the story
3) comic strips (3 comics of at least 3 panels each) or memes (at least 3) inspired by the
4) Posters, advertisements, or public service announcements inspired by the story (3
examples: you can do 1 of each or a mix of the categories)
1) a sequel or prequel to the story, OR a different ending for the story (at least 500 words)
2) a rewriting of part the story using a different perspective (at least 500 words)
3) a resetting of part of the story using a different time, place or social class (at least 500
4) social media posts (at least 6) written by a character in the story
Remember, you are only choosing 1 of the above options, an audio work OR a visual work OR
a narrative work. If you wish to use one of the creative works you composed for the Unit I
discussions as a starting point for your Fiction Essay creative work, you may do so. However,
the new creative work should substantially expand and improve on the original.
Once the creative work is complete, write at least a 1000-word analysis of your creative work
and the story:
Analytical Essay Parameters
1) Explain why you chose this story, creative medium, and l

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