the organization of ideas.

Use attached files for sources and guidance and this website .
MLA style
For this draft, you should prioritize the content and the organization of ideas. Get your ideas based on your sources down on paper and try to figure out a logical ordering of the ideas
Make sure to include the thesis statement assigned to you in the beginning of your paper. If you write an introduction for the draft, the thesis statement typically comes toward the end of your introduction. For this draft an introduction is not the most important part. The thesis statement is the italicized text in the descriiption of your topic. You should use this exact wording in your paper (it will not count as plagiarism).
Try to make sure that every paragraph in your paper relates back and supports your thesis statement.
Consider how to break up paragraphs. Does all the information in the paragraph clearly relate to the same point or topic? If not, you should break it up. Use your outline to help guide you.
Minimize the use of direct quotations. You should mostly be paraphrasing (in your own words) what the sources say. That is how you show understanding of the material. However, if you are citing language used in cases and it’s important to show the exact language used, then you should use direct quotations.

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