The New Jim Crow, Book Review 2 Fully answer the following questions regarding t

The New Jim Crow, Book Review 2
Fully answer the following questions regarding the text The New Jim Crow. Cite everything you use.
Who is Cornel West? What does he have to do with this text?
Who or what is “Jim Crow”?
How did the three-strikes law come into existence? How many states currently have three-strikes laws?
What is the ACLU? Where is the closest ACLU branch to you?
Explain the War on Drugs.
What is the Urban League? Where is the closest Urban League branch to you?
Which country has the highest incarceration rate in the world? Why?
What is the ethnic and racial makeup of the United States? Texas? The County you currently reside in? The city you live in? Be specific.
Explain the Sentencing Project.
What is the NAACP? Where is the closest NAACP branch to you?
Describe “mass incarceration.”
Explain the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Who is W.E.B. Du Bois?
What are miscegenation laws?
Explain the March on Washington for Jobs and Economic Freedom (August 1963).
Explain Brown v. Board of Education.
What is the difference (legally and pharmacologically) between crack cocaine and powdered cocaine?
Michelle Alexander writes in the preface of the text, “this book is not for everyone.” Was this book for you? Explain.
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