The lesson plan is important to content delivery to assist instructors in the de

The lesson plan is important to content delivery to assist instructors in the delivery of information and assessment of learners while enabling them in their learning. Various teaching strategies can be implemented in the lesson plan to improve learner learning and engagement. The purpose of this assignment is to develop a lesson plan and select teaching strategies for various programs and settings.
To complete this assignment:
Design a lesson plan (including purpose, lesson outcomes that are most related to the course, assignments, and evaluation strategies) for the nursing practice you developed a course outline for in the Topic 3 assignment. The lesson plan should be aligned to professional standards and NLN Nurse Educator Competencies. Under the lesson plan, write a 50-word rationale explaining the alignment between professional standards, nurse educator competencies, and the lesson plan.
Select teaching strategies for various programs and settings based on a nursing or educational theory. Use the “Teaching Strategies” graphic organizer to complete this assignment. Based on the program or setting, you will choose an educational or nursing theory, apply that theory to learning or teaching, and identify teaching strategies based on the selected theory.
Incorporate the lesson plan and completed “Teaching Strategies” graphic organizer into one Word document.

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