*PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING PHILOSOPHERS: Angela Davis, W.E.B. DuBois, Joyce Mitchell Cook, and William R. Jones. ONLY use the readings that are attached, and kindly cite them* This paper must be at least 7 pages (double-spaced). More detailed instructions are on the attachment “Final Paper Philosophy and The Black Experience”.
The Black philosophers discussed in class are presenting a critique or counter-narrative of specific philosophical problems within a certain historical context. As part of the larger philosophical tradition they are also responding to a conversation (discourse) within the Black intellectual tradition. In your estimation, why is this conversation (discourse) within and beyond the Black experience significant to the larger presentation of philosophical traditions and schools of thought? This conversation (discourse) can relate to a specific authors/philosophers and their presentation of philosophical ideas (meta-philosophy) or it can directly relate to the overall philosophical themes discussed in class (i.e. racism, education, etc.).
Critically analyze and examine:
•How a specific philosopher addresses the philosophical problems within the Black philosophical experience as it relates to the larger philosophical tradition. Is there a Black Philosophy? and if so, what makes it a Black philosophy and why is it necessary? How does Black Philosophy relate to the larger Black intellectual tradition?

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