The intsuctions are pretty clear and are below please use statics from all three

The intsuctions are pretty clear and are below please use statics from all three articles please read and follow instructions please stay away from personal opinions try to make sound research wise please use simple vocabulary. please make sure the statics resemble instructions thank you
This assignment provides you with an opportunity to practice interpreting statistics. From the 10 articles that you found on your intervention, choose 3 statistics that are reported regarding your health outcome. Remember that we are talking about the disease you chose and not the intervention here. This is data that you will use in your introduction/background to tell your reader why the research question you chose warrants attention. That is a hint – the statistics should highlight incidence, prevalence, disparity, attack rate, case-fatality, etc. When you are reading a peer-reviewed journal article, this is standard practice. The writer begins with the gravitas – the seriousness of the health issue – and then weaves together different statistics to show how their research question merits the next 45 minutes of our time (average time to read an article). Because you already have your ten articles, most of this work has been done for you by those ten researchers.
Here’s how you’ll format the assignment:
Course number:
Research Question:
Your narrative:
*This last piece – your narrative – is how you will weave the 3 statistics into your own writing. Again, look at the 10 articles you have and how those authors did it. You are not copying their 3 statistics. You are pulling 1 from 3 different articles and creating your own work. What’s missing? Hint: if you are taking someone else’s statistics from their work, what do you have to do? That’s right! Make sure you use in-text citations (the supertext if you are using MLA format or the author’s name and publication year in parenthesis if you are using APA format). If you cannot remember how to do in-text citations, please go back to how to cite your work in the previous weeks’ materials.
Comments from Customer
Research Question:
“In school children with cavities (P), how effective is Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) (I) compared to Interim restorative treatment (IRT) (C) in arresting carries (O) within one year.dos Santos et al. (2012) conducted this research with 91 children aged 5-6 years and found that SDF was more effective than IRT.”
Research Terms: Fluoride antimicrobial component, health side effects, drilling and filing, arresting Caries, children’s cavities, IRT and SDF.
please the professor wants to know how this is carried out to low income community

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