The introductory paragraph should identify the infectious disease (E.Coli), and

The introductory paragraph should identify the infectious disease (E.Coli), and discuss data related to the incidence & prevalence. The Body of the paper should provide a detailed description of: The pathologic basis for disease development (paraphrase information, do not use long direct quotes from your reference) In your own words describe the link between the pathology and the common subjective/objective data findings Describe diagnostic methods Describe 3 potential management strategies (for example immunizations, antibiotics, supportive therapy, etc). You must present supporting evidence from the literature for each of these. Describe considerations for the future in relation to this disease and/or management (for example how is this preventable? What education is provided? Is there an immunization? What research is being conducted on this disease? Analysis – discuss how the information learned during the research process challenges/complicates/enhances what you previously thought about the disease. Formatting Title page/Abstract (not required) Proper sentence structure, grammar, and spelling required Minimum 5 pages in length, maximum 8 pages in length Double spaced Minimum 3 references, 2 must be from a scholarly journal APA format, in-text citations, and a reference page required

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