The Global COP26 Conference focused on our planet’s climate crisis takes place i

The Global COP26 Conference focused on our planet’s climate crisis takes place in Glasgow,
Scotland during the first week of November. This world conference signals a large
transformation in ‘business as usual’ in terms of what will likely be a significant amount if
not ALL of the careerspan of students presently in university. The challenge of the human
response to the threat of the climate crisis is to think how to rethink how just about
everything works so that it/they can be rebuilt/transformed into practices and institutions
that can exist without undermining the fabric and foundation of our planetary support
system. How can business support an environmentally sustainable world?
Citation Method: APA 7th ed.
Tone: Reflective/1st Person
Format: double-spaced; Times New Roman 12pt; 4-5 pages (1400 words maximum – *NOT* including
Title Page)
This paper is intended to help you reflect, grow, and build upon the things you have discovered about
the world of business and yourself during our time together this term. First, you will choose one of the
following functional areas (accounting, finance, investment, marketing, indigenous
business/issues, economic, and strategy/strategic management) that you really enjoyed or
connected to deeply in some way. Then your job will be to research some of the opportunities
and challenges of sustainability in that specific functional area of your choice. You are looking
to identify current themes, topics, events, and business practices that will inform where and
why you are to navigate a future career in this post-Covid world. We want you to focus your
research around sustainability in that functional area. Ask yourself where you and your
strengths might fit into a future in this particular area based on the current information,
resources, and sustainability practices that are happening today. Note that ‘sustainability’ and
‘your functional area’ are both too broad for a short paper like this, so you’ll need to narrow
it down to some chosen aspect of sustainability and dimension of your functional area.
You’ll want to be sure you stick to credible academic sources like the Globe and Mail, the
Guardian, but also broaden your horizons a bit and include current peer-reviewed journal
articles. Remember your Library Research Skills Module? Let’s see THAT in action here! This
is a reflective paper, but it must still meet academic standards. We’d like a minimum of EIGHT
sources for your report.

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