The book is: White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Ra

The book is:
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism, by Robin
The book review should contain;
Introduction (one paragraphs)
Bibliographic information (author, title, date of publication, publisher, number of pages, type of book)
Brief overview of the theme, purpose and your evaluation
Summary of the content (two-three pages)
Brief summary of the key points of each chapter
Evaluation and conclusion (one page)
Write your opinion about the book.
answer the following questions in your review:
What is the author’s main goal in writing this book?
What are the author’s main points?
What kind of evidence does the author provide to make his or her points?
How convincing do you find this evidence?
The book review should be 4-5 typed pages long (double-spaced, one-inch margins). The book review should be free of grammatical and spelling errors, and otherwise well edited. Please make sure you are following ASA style. For more information check:

Book Reviews

Only the following file types will be accepted: Word 97-2003 (.doc), Word 2007+ (.docx), Excel (.xls, .xlsx), PowerPoint (.pps, .ppsx, .ppt, .pptx), PDF (.pdf), PostScript (.eps, .ps), plain text (.txt), HTML (.htm, .html), WordPerfect (.wpd), OpenOffice (.odt), rich text (.rtf), Hangul (.hwp)
Grading Rubric
Book Review – Soc 210
The introduction is inviting, states the title, author, and genre of the book being
reviewed, and previews the reviewer’s opinion of the book.
10 Points
Meet Expectations
8 Points
Needs Improvement
6 Points
Below Expectations
4 Points
2 Points
Summary of the content
All body paragraphs employ effective topic sentences that help the reader identify the supporting claim covered in the paragraph, along with effective transitions between.
30 Points
Meet Expectations
25 Points
Needs Improvement
20 Points
Below Expectations
15 Points
10 Points
Evaluation and conclusion
The conclusion ties up the paper and sums up its major ideas or insights.
20 Points
Meet Expectations
15 Points
Needs Improvement
10 Points
Below Expectations
5 Points
2 Points
The paper avoids major grammar and style errors, such as multiple instances of run-ons, fragments, sentence clarity, and subject/verb agreement errors; The paper avoids minor grammar and style errors, such as multiple instances of errors in verb tenses, pronoun case, punctuation, spelling, or capitalization.
10 Points
Meet Expectations
8 Points
Needs Improvement
6 Points
Below Expectations
4 Points
2 Points
ASA style
The Paper had minor if any ASA (American Sociological Association) errors and cited correctly, in ASA format, parenthetically in the paper and references.
10 Points
Meet Expectations
8 Points
Needs Improvement
6 Points
Below Expectations
4 Points
2 Points
The paper meets all requirements, including page count (4 -5 pages), format, citations, Works Cited page, etc.
10 Points
Meet Expectations
8 Points
Needs Improvement
6 Points
Below Expectations
4 Points
2 Points
The paper was turned in by July 19, 2020 11:00 PM.
10 Points
Meet Expectations
8 Points
Needs Improvement
6 Points
Below Expectations
4 Points
2 Points

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