TERM PROJECT REPORT Content Hello! Below you will find details for the Marketing

Below you will find details for the Marketing Term Group Project. This essay is a minimum of 3 pages in your own words, 12-font size, include a cover page (info in page header) and a reference page. You must include a minimum of 3 cited references (Wikipedia is not a reliable source). The use of diagrams and financials are encouraged. Be sure to cite your sources and resources, and provide a bibliography. Only one member within the group should upload the project. You must use your own words. If not then the entire project will result in 0%. The written assignment and the video are due Saturday, October 30th by 11:59pm.
MARKETING PLAN: The MK101 final project is designed to provide students with an understanding of marketing objectives and how organizations go about realizing these objectives. For this project, the student will prepare an abbreviated marketing plan.
Objective: Develop an abbreviated marketing plan coupled with a video presentation for a product that you choose. Your abbreviated marketing plan should contain all of the following basic elements:
Product descriiption and a brief history of the company
1) Describe the product, generally speaking, identify what the product is and how it is used, (It is not necessary to describe the product from a technical or mechanical perspective, rather, how will the product benefit the consumer, how will it be used).
2) Provide an overview of your company–when was it formed; how is the company structured; who are the key personnel/managers (only two people); where they operate (headquarters). (CEO/VP Marketing or CMO).
Marketing Mix–4 Ps, (Product, Place, Price, Promotion)
3) Identify each of the 4 Ps.
a) The product should include not only the physical product but the package, warranty, after-sales support, etc. (Provide an image of the product)
b) Place — discuss where your products are available to consumers when want them.
c) Promotion — What are 2 ways your product is being promoted by the company? Think of ways your product will reach your target market in order to inform, educate, persuade and remind consumers of the benefits of your product in order to create mutually satisfying exchanges. (Provide images as examples)
d) Price — Discuss the price of your product. What pricing strategy is employed? Why is this a good price point?
SWOT Analysis
4) Analyze the internal (2) strengths and (2) weaknesses of your product and your company. What about your product or company is valuable; what is your competitive advantage; what are your weaknesses. Thoroughly explain.
5) Analyze the external environment and factors in the environment that are (2) opportunities and those that are (2) threats. Thoroughly explain.
Marketing Changes
6) How has the company changed its marketing for the product or service since the pandemic or the focus on racial injustice? You will need to do a bit more research and thoroughly discuss.
7) Think about life after the pandemic. What changes would the company have to make with the product? Think about the 4Ps and Environmental Forces. Thoroughly discuss.

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