Submit your responses to these questions. Your responses should interact with th

Submit your responses to these questions. Your responses should interact with the related material in the assigned readings for the week and the lecture.
Note: I do not have these books they will need to be looked up.
Lucas, A Guide to Psalms & Wisdom Literature: Chapter 5
Murphy, The Tree of Life: Chapter 3
Bible Focus: Job
1. Job is traditionally considered a model of patience. Explain from where this image of Job is derived, and discuss whether this is an accurate depiction of the person of Job in light of the entire book.
2. Explain what was correct and what was incorrect about the theology of Job’s three friends as represented in their speeches.
3. Explain the significance of LaCocque’s long quote presented at the end of part two of the lecture for week five. What does the quote suggest regarding the character of God in the book of Job?

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