Based on the outline named ” soc ” file that I uploaded, write a 4 pages essay,

Based on the outline named ” soc ” file that I uploaded, write a 4 pages essay, other instructions arw following
Due to that this assignment is not research intensive, you do not
necessarily have to do supplemental research for the essay. At the same time, you need to apply
knowledge from the course. Meaning it is within your interest to cite readings and arguments
from the readings.
If you paraphrase or directly quote any work you must cite it, otherwise it is plagiarism (Harvard,
APA, ASA are preferable citation formats).
For this assignment, excellent quality refers to an essay with a coherent
argument that identifies the message(s) listed in the prompt, applies sociological knowledge from
the course, and demonstrates critical analysis. It also needs to be clearly written and concise.

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