submit PowerPoint presentation of a sociological topic of cultural biasis. The s

submit PowerPoint presentation of a sociological topic of cultural biasis. The summary must include key sociological terms and will name and describe 1) the sociological topic they chose to further investigate and how it relates to a broader topic in sociology, 2) why the topic was selected, 3) what was learned, 4) an explanation and/or analysis of a sociological theory that was selected to examine or explain the topic, and 5) a link to a brief (ten minute or less) video clip and how or why it explains or describes interesting details about the topic. To increase the organization of the paper, you may include headings such as Introduction, Literature Review, and Discussion. Chapter 2 will help you with this; see the Scientific Method for information that will strengthen the objectivity of this assignment. Remember: the investigation is to be more research-based and objective than opinionated! The summary provided will reflect the content of the topic (as covered by the textbook, if applicable) and one to three articles selected from the Kaufman Library. The video clip and article(s) must be properly sourced in APA or ASA format on a separate (Reference or Work Cited) sheet.
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