“Sociocultural Dynamics of Female Genital Cutting,” by Gruenbaum, Ellen, pp.418-

“Sociocultural Dynamics of Female Genital Cutting,” by Gruenbaum, Ellen, pp.418-427 is found in the book “Understanding and Applying Medical Anthropology” by Peter J. Brown.
DIRECTIONS: After summarizing the article’s theme, you will critically consider the noteworthy and/or deficient aspects of the article. Be specific with the information researched.
Where did research take place if noted. What was the purpose of the study? Give a synopsis of the important parts. In addition, each journal entry will also include your reactions to the article and topic. Provide questions that you felt the article does not address, and contribute your ideas on how you would expand and/or alter the article’s focus.
*Be sure to add the full bibliographic reference for article and any applicable citations from the article. found in the
book “Understanding and Applying Medical Anthropology” by Peter J. Brown. I can attach pages from the book if you are unable to find the article.

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