Social Responsibilities: There are many different forms of government throughout the world and they all have their pros and cons. However, as citizens of any nation there are certain responsibilities to others, to society and to the environment.

Social Responsibilities: There are many different forms of government throughout the world and they all have their pros and cons. However, as citizens of any nation there are certain responsibilities to others, to society and to the environment. We must display citizenship at the local, state, national, and global levels within a democratic and culturally diverse context. Constructive approaches to the pressing issues of equality, resource distribution, work, education, health, safety, survival, and environmental sustain ability are explored at the personal, professional and global levels; even more specifically, on the issues of race, gender, class, disability, age, national origin, sexual orientation, species, labor, global human rights, the environment and other issues of social responsibility.
Your assignment: Write a 5 page essay defining what you feel are reasonable expectations for all citizens of a given nation and the governments’ responsibilities to those citizens. In addition, use at least two of the texts (see below) that we have read to explain how the individuals in those pieces feel about social and governmental responsibilities. Finally, make sure that you cite examples of support from the pieces of literature to back up your thesis.
Texts: “Thirty Eight Who Saw a Murder and Didn’t Call the Police” by Martin Gansberg and “The Embalming of Mr. Jones” by Jessica Mitford

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