Sin, ritual sacrifice, drawing near to Yhwh. Jesus knew well the practices of Hi

Sin, ritual sacrifice, drawing near to Yhwh. Jesus knew well the practices of His people, practices that ended within four decades of His death. What does the Hebrew Bible say about atonement?
Beginning in the Old Testament, and especially Leviticus, we learn much about the sacrifices and offerings required under the Law.  The mechanics of sacrifice were clear. Moses wrote in the Book of Leviticus instructions for ritual sacrifices and the circumstances to which sacrifices should be applied. Various food and animal sacrifices allowed the Israelites to offer sacrifice and thereby to draw nearer to Yhwh after having sinned and also when thankful for something. Specifications for the food and animals were very specific. Priests from the family of Levi acted as intermediaries between God and the one bringing the offering in the Tabernacle or Temple.
What the Jewish people failed to realize was the meaning of these sacrifices and, ultimately, their inability to cleanse from sin.  Hebrews 9-10 clearly shows that what the Law could not do has been accomplished once and for all through the blood of Jesus Christ.  The Apostle Paul also noted, “For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit” (Romans 8:3-4, ESV).
Sacrifice allows people to draw near to God resulting in Atonement.
Atonement. What is it? Your first task for this assignment will be to do a word study of the word “atonement.”
The following elements need to be thoroughly addressed:
Do a word study of the word “atonement” as you did for the word “sin.”
Whereas, you were to be thorough last time, note that atonement occurs quite a few times; be judicious in your choices. You do not have to list all.
Exclude repeated or similar verses.
The paper should consist of three sections.
The first section results from your initial investigation and lists Bible passages and the sentence containing the word “atonement.”
The second section consists of a list of the passages you identify as important for interpretation.
The third section contains your interpretation of the key passages, the summaries you derived from the passages you felt were important in the analysis. These interpretation(s) are the meaning(s) you prescribe for the word “atonement.”
Upon completion of the third section, research Bible resources to compare with your work.
The paper must meet the expectations provided.
Provide at least two academic resources.
2-3 pages required.
Support your work with scholarly academic resources using APA -7 format.

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