Session 1 – Class Activity 1 Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 20 Submitting a file u

Session 1 – Class Activity 1
Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 20 Submitting a file upload File Types doc and docx Available until Oct 31 at 11:59pm
Chapter 1
Choose ONE developmental theory (e.g., Freud, Erikson, Behaviorism, Bandura, Piaget, Vygotsky, Bronfenbrenner’s theory, etc.) and explain it briefly. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of this theory within a Christian framework. Based on the Bible, Christian teaching, and your own experience, what do you agree/disagree with?
(250 words or more)
Chapter 3
Babies born with FAS and fetal alcohol effects face many developmental issues during life. Watch the following documentary:
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) (Links to an external site.)
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
What are some of the issues children with FAS and fetal alcohol effects face?
What are three details that stood out to you while watching this documentary?
What questions do you have after watching this video?
(250 words or more)
*Please, include references and cite sources in APA format if necessary.
Class Activity (1)
Class Activity (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent/Support
16 pts
All questions answered appropriately for the purpose. The analysis of the topic is original, focused, unambiguous, and concise. The writing could serve as superior guide to the topic. The paper not only explains the topic, but goes beyond to analyze the underlying nature of the topic in an even-handed, skillful fashion. The paper makes extensive and effective use of support materials (e.g., text chapters, peer-reviewed articles, web sites, etc.), with proper citations and references. (250 words or more)
12 pts
Most questions answered appropriately for the purpose. The analysis of the topic is clear, and reasonably well focused. The writing could serve as accurate, basic guide to the topic or problem; that is, the writing accurately explains the topic/problem, but does not provide any substantive analysis of the topic/problem. The paper makes adequate use of support materials (e.g., text chapters, peer-reviewed articles, web sites, etc.), with minor errors in citations and references. (250 words or more)
8 pts
Some questions answered appropriately for the purpose. The explanation of the topic is limited, and not well focused. The writing contains most of the basic ideas appropriate to the topic, but the ideas are not expressed well enough to be a safe guide for someone else to use. The paper makes minimal use of support materials, with incomplete citations and references. (Less than 250 words)
4 pts
Few questions answered. Explanation of the topic does not meaningfully exist. The writing contains only a small fraction of the ideas appropriate to the topic, with noticeable omissions or errors, or the ideas are not presented clearly. The paper makes no use of support materials. (Less than 250 words)
16 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar/Style
4 pts
No errors in grammar, spelling, mechanics, and no significant APA style errors. Prose that is interesting to read and, at best, might be considered elegant or original. The prose and focus of the writing flow smoothly. The writing contains clear and effective transitional and linking material.
3 pts
Minor errors in grammar/mechanics/APA format, that do not hinder comprehension. The prose is clear with no awkward or incorrect constructions. There is an orderly and fairly smooth progression of topics and paragraphs, without significant weakness in transitions or focus.
2 pts
Some errors in grammar/mechanics/APA format, that hinder comprehension. The writing is understandable and clear, although with some errors or ambiguities of expression, or awkward phrases which obscure the meaning of the material.
1 pts
Many errors in grammar/mechanics/APA format, that seriously hinder comprehension. The writing is garbled and/or awkward to such an extent that it significantly interferes with comprehension of the material. The topic of paragraphs or sections of the writing cannot be clearly established, and there are few or no transitions/links between sections.
4 pts
Total Points: 20

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