Select one speech from the following list and write a 3-4—page report analyzing

Select one speech from the following list and write a 3-4—page report analyzing the speech. Your report should be double spaced, adhere to APA style, and address each category listed below.
Speech options: Choose one of the top 100 speeches to evaluate from (make sure the speech has video and audio components, not just audio):
Your analysis should address the following categories:
• Organization: Analyze the organization of the speech. Does the speaker’s introduction and conclusion include the necessary elements, such as an attention getter, thesis, preview/review of main points, and concluding statement/call to action? What organizational pattern is used? Could the speaker have selected a more appropriate organizational pattern? Does the speaker use transitions? Are the main points clear and do they have enough supporting material? How could the speaker improve the organization of the speech? Explain your answers.
• Content: Analyze the speaker’s use of persuasion. What type of argument/reasoning does the speaker use? Does the speaker use logos, ethos, and/or pathos? How? Does the speech contain any logical fallacies? What is the goal of this speech? Does the speaker achieve the goal? How could the speaker improve the use of persuasive elements? Explain your answers.
• Vocal Delivery: Analyze the speaker’s vocal aspects of delivery. Does the speaker use proper paralinguistics? Does the speaker pause appropriately? Also, is the speech free from vocal fillers? Are words articulated and pronounced correctly? How could the speaker improve vocal aspects of delivery? Explain your answers
• Physical Delivery: Analyze the speaker’s physical aspects of delivery. Does the speaker use proper kinesics? How does the speaker use posture, gestures, illustrators, and emblems? Does the speaker have good posture and eye contact? What facial expressions are used? How could the speaker improve physical aspects of delivery? Explain your answers.
• Writing: Your paper should be at least 3 pages, double spaced, not including your heading. Your writing should be clear, concise, and easy to understand, and should be free from grammatical and syntactical errors. You should include an introduction, conclusion, and transitions in your paper. Cite sources using APA style if you use any outside resources.
• Clearly and thoroughly address all parts of the paper guidelines.
• Show understanding of course concepts and apply them to the historical speech.
• Cite sources using APA style where applicable.
• Meet the minimum page length requirement.
• Use clear and concise writing that is easy to understand and is free from errors.

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