Select ONE case Study from the options listed below. This case study is the comp

Select ONE case Study from the options listed below. This case study is the company you will base your assignment on, using evidence from the interview.
In your responses, you are allowed to make reasonable research-based assumptions to the case study details provided. However, the case study should not be changed or compromised in any way. If your analysis is not based on the case study interview you will lose significant marks. If you use a different case study to the ones provided here you will fail the module and receive a 0% grade.
Attachment 1:Assignment brief
Attachment 2: Rolls Royce case study
Attachment 3: Historic Coventry trust (link)
Attachment 4: Paragon Financial Group case study
We expect that the Task 1 report which consists of 1,500 words will be structured as follows:
1. Cover Sheet and Contents Page
2. Short introduction to the Case Study company (100 words)
3. Drivers of Change and Burke-Litwin (100 words) + PESTLE OR McKinsey 7s analysis. The PESTLE OR McKinsey 7s will be a table and there is no need to cover all the components of PESTLE / McKinsey 7s. Tables do not add to the word count.
4. Strategy – Define, Model, Evidence, Apply (300 words) highlighting the current strategy and the proposed strategy using the same Strategy model
5. Leadership – Define, Model, Evidence, Apply (500 words) highlighting your own MBTI leadership style and justifying the selection of your team.
6. Change and Change Management – Define, Model, Evidence, Apply (500 words) highlighting the process by which you will manage the change programme recognising the effect that the change will have on employees.
7. the last page is References – don’t forget to cite relevant information throughout. References do not add to the word count.
This analysis will inform the content of Task 2. and support your reflection in Task 3.
TASK 1 marking guide: Attachment 5
We move now to Task 2 of the assignment, which states:
Launch Materials (1,500 words equivalent – 40% of the marks)
Assessment Equivalences
Task 2 states that it is 1,500 words equivalent. This means that the task is equivalent to a 1500 word report or essay or something else written, but of course, is not word-based. Being 1,500-word equivalent, then the task can be weighted at 40% of the assignment in the same way that Task 1, which actually is 1,500 words, is weighted at 40%. This allows us to balance the tasks and the marking weightings to widely agreed standards.
Task 2
Having proposed a strategic change management plan in Task 1, complete ONE task from the four options listed below based on your findings from task 1 to communicate the change.
a) Create Launch Materials (or similar intervention) for the change programme (including project name, logo, tag line, information leaflets, PPT slides and supporting notes) OR
b) Create Launch Webinar (or similar intervention) for the change programme (10 minutes including project name, logo, tag line, PPT slides and supporting notes) OR
c) Design a teaching session on a specific Creativity and Innovation technique (10 minutes recorded session including lesson plan and materials including supporting notes) OR
d) Create two Short-term wins: based upon your analysis in Task 1, design and present two new innovative products or services for your case study company (including visuals, name, logo, tag line, information leaflet and supporting notes)
It is expected that where appropriate, relevant CMI and module-related materials, academic sources and good practice theory will be applied and be academically rigorous to support your work. The use of such materials must be reflected in your ‘supporting notes’.
Clearly, we have moved away from the written report, the application of evidence to academic models, and are now considering your creative ability – the ability to design, to create, to produce and to implement.
Consider the four options available to you, and choose one of the four. Next week we apply Creative thinking techniques to this issue.
It is important that you recognise that Task 2 is not related to how well you can draw or speak or produce a high quality podcast (though some degree of quality is important). The focus of the Task is to demonstrate how well you have taken forward the learning from Short Course 1 and 2 and are able to embed that learning into whatever option you choose.
Supporting Notes
Each of the four options available to you has a requirement for “supporting notes”
The Supporting notes (approx. 500 words, no more) are your opportunity to reflect on the process through which you arrived at the finished items which made up your Task 2 submission. The process should be based on your use of the materials available to you in Short Course 3 and 4 and are both academic and reflective in nature. Reflective, because you are looking back on the process. Academic, because you are considering this process from a model-based approach to the topics of Creativity and Innovation. The assumption is that you developed that logo design, that leaflet, that tag line, that podcast etc. based upon your understanding of the needs of your case study company, the changes required, and the impact of those changes coupled with an understanding of your own abilities within this context.
The Supporting Notes should also include a short consideration as to how the work could be improved. This work will then lead into your Task 3 Reflection.
Learning Outcome 3 of the module asks you to
“Critically reflect on the leadership qualities for effectively managing strategic change with creativity and innovation in relation to professional development.”
To help you meet that Learning Outcome, we ask you in Task 3 to :
Write a 500 word critical reflective personal and professional account, answering the following question:
What skills and behaviours do I need to develop in order to creatively implement a programme of innovative change in a range of contemporary organisations?
The key aspects here are the requirement for you to critically reflect on your leadership qualities in relation to a professional development plan.
This is not simply a reflection on how you got on with the module and the academic topics of leading / managing, strategy, change, creativity and innovation.
We are asking you to plan to bridge the gaps that you identified in your existing skills, behaviours and understanding as you were working through the materials.
We focus on Personal Development Planning, but because this is a professional module, we approach this planning from the viewpoint of you being in a leadership role, if not already, then certainly in the future.
We expect that the 500-word reflection will cover:
1. Definition of Reflection
2. Model of reflection used and a brief explanation as to how it supported your thoughts (not a detailed review of the components of the model)
3. Brief summary of your Learning Style and your reflection on the implications of this for your Leadership development
4. Identify relevant Key Leadership Skills and audit your current personal and professional Skills and Behaviours in order to identify the gap between current and required – this will be in the form of a table and will not add to the word count
5. Personal and Professional Development Plan – Identify 2 skills and 2 behaviours you want to develop. The focus will be on resolving gaps related to “creatively implementing a programme of innovative change” using SMART objectives. This plan will be in the form of a table and will not add to the word count.
Attachment 6 (Pestle)
Attachment 7 (Swot)
Attachment 8 (McKinsey 7s)

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