Select one artwork by one of the following artists. Analyze and compare the idea

Select one artwork by one of the following artists. Analyze and compare the ideas of fantasy, beauty and emotions as you see it in the selected artwork to a contemporary design of your choosing.
1. J. M. W. Turner
2. Johann Heinrich Füssli
3. Caspar David Friedrich
A 1000 Word Written Reflective Journal which demonstrates
student reflection and evaluation on how art and design history
influences contemporary style. Incorporating a visual mapping
chart to illustrate an understanding of style analysis. Make sure
you include both the historic and contemporary references to a
given period.
1. Read the essay prompts carefully. Each prompt has been written to assist you
expand your essays in a specific direction.
2. Plagiarized essays result in a failing grade. Turnitin detects all plagiarism and flags
any suspicious formatting. The similarity percentage should not be more than 10%
3. Include all relevant citations, including any images you may choose to incorporate
4. The essay must be supported by visual references, placed appropriately in the body
of the text to illustrate key points that you are making.
5. Students must reference all sources of information that you have used, using Harvard
Referencing style.
* Comparison between the ancient art or interior and contemporary art or interior shall be explained and visually reperesented.

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