Select from one of the listed commodities in the following table. There is plent

Select from one of the listed commodities in the following table. There is plenty to choose from – but if you are especially interested in something NOT listed here, propose it as an alternative. Anything that satisfies our definition of commodity will likely be ok. In any case, if you are unsure which commodity to choose, simply do a search on a few of them first to get an idea about the material itself and your level of interest in it. Once you’ve selected a commodity, conduct a more thorough search, focusing on answering the key questions you’ll see below. Your commodity report should be concise but comprehensive enough so that an uninformed reader can get a good understanding of your topic and its related issues. You need only submit a digital copy, but your report should have the finished (if printed) appearance of a total of about 15-20 pages, with approximately seven (7) to ten (10) pages of text, plus about seven (7) to ten (10) pages of graphics, in any combination. Your graphical material can be maps, diagrams, charts, tables, photographs, or any other visual material you choose. Feel free to include any of your OWN self-created drawings, photos, maps, tables, or any other graphic you desire. If you create something digitally (photo, table, etc.), simple embed it into your document. If you wish to include something you’ve created by hand, (drawing, illustration, artwork, etc.), simply take a picture of the finished item and embed the photo into your document. You should also include a cover page with your name/course/project title, and a final works cited page (in any format) with your sources. Cite sources and label illustrations with care. You MUST write your report in your own words – Brief quotes are ok, but do NOT copy or cut & paste passages from e.g., Wikipedia or other web sites, etc. Please note: (Warning! – all submissions are auto-checked for plagiarism). All factual material must be adequately source-identified in a footnote and/or on the final “works/sources cited” page as appropriate. Include web-links or other paths by which your research may be followed-up on or continued. You may feel free to draw conclusions, make recommendations as to trends, problem areas, practicality, cost-efficiency, or other variables – BUT: Present all sides of an argument before drawing your own conclusions. Tell us why it is important and what can be done about the commodity issue (if anything). Your deliverable is a SINGLE FILE, digital version of your report in Microsoft Word -compatible format only, e.g., MS Word, etc. -no PDFs or other image-based submissions. Electronic versions should be submitted by attaching your completed project file in Microsoft Word format (e.g., .doc or .docx file) and submitting in the assignments section in Canvas. If you use Mac/Pages, Google Docs, or other processor/editor, be sure to “SAVE AS”, or “EXPORT AS” a Microsoft Word .DOC or .DOCX file before submitting. Do NOT send links to your document, for example to retrieve via Dropbox, or other server – you MUST attach the full document in Word format, within Canvas. Be sure to submit ONLY ONE finished word document file, with all of your graphical elements embedded. Do not send images, maps, etc., separately – be sure to embed them variously into your document, and submit one finished Word file only. Your digital WORD Document project file must be NAMED the correct way for you to get full credit! IMPORTANT: You MUST Name your single project FILE document like this: LASTNAME_Commodity_YOUR COURSE ID#.docx. e.g., Gaina__Copper_17150.docx

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