Select a publicly traded (public for at least three years) company of your choic

Select a publicly traded (public for at least three years) company of your choice and analyze its balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows using 10-K filing information from the following websites:
SEC.GOV website
Mergent Online Database
Learn about the Mergent Online Database and how to access financial data, 10-Ks, 10-Qs, and other filings by watching this video
Write a 3-4-page business report on the following topics:
Summarize the company background, management, and discussion sections.
Analyze at least five of the company’s significant accounting policies.
Identify the two most significant asset accounts on the balance sheet. Explain why you believe these accounts are significant.
Identify the two most significant liability accounts on the balance sheet. Explain why you believe these accounts are significant.
Identify the two most significant equity accounts on the balance sheet. Explain why you believe these accounts are significant.
Calculate at least two of each of the following ratios:
Liquidity ratios
Leverage/debt related ratios
Turnover ratios
Efficiency ratios
Profitability ratios
Market value ratios
Using the calculated ratios, analyze the company’s financial position, profitability, and effectiveness.
Analyze the company’s statement of cash flows and critique the company’s use of cash by evaluating significant areas of the cash from operating, investing, and financing sections of the statement.
Present your conclusion on company’s financial health based on findings from above.

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