search to identify at least 5 articles addressing your selected topic. After com

search to identify at least 5 articles addressing your selected topic.
After completing your research, you will prepare an 8-10 page paper in which you address the following:
1. Discuss legal issues inherent in the topic you selected (that is, laws that are applicable by today’s standards, that if had existed “then”, could have prevented either set of inexorable consequences of the public health issue).
2. Discuss at least 2 key ethical issues inherent in the issue you selected. Be certain to explain the ethical issues in their entirety (that is, don’t simply “identify” them; discuss them).
3. Discuss how one of the decision making tools we learned about in this course could have been applied to ONE of the main issues in the public health issue you are working with.
4. Discuss the role of codes of ethics for public health organizations and how they relate to one of the main ethical issues in the public health issue you are working with.
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5. How would an ethics review board have handled at least one of the key issues in the public health issue you are working with (be specific with at least one example).
6. Were there any conflicts of interest or conflicts of commitment inherent in the public health issue you are working with? If so, discuss.
7. In what ways were individual and community concerns “at odds” in the public health issue you are working with? Give specific examples.
8. What end-of-life ethical issues were apparent in the public health issue you are working with.?

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